Monday, November 28, 2011

H-7 Before Officially Start to Work


My heart bit is going up and down. That's what I'm feeling right now after one of HR Staff called me to confirm my first working day falls on Monday, December 5, 2011. First of all, I feel blessed because they remember that I've been accepted as a MT there. The month between my employment agreement signing and my officially working is quite far. It takes approximately 5 months from late June to early December. Hence, I had felt worries as if they forget their agreement with me. Secondly, I'm also exciting and happy because I will step into the new world. I imagine there will be a bunch of new experiences, knowledge, learning, colleagues, happiness, and who knows I will meet my soul mate there:D One soul mate of course, not a bunch of, hehe... But if it's a bunch of fans, that would be very okay, wkwkwkkw:p

The only one worries about this job is that I should be familiar using English in day-to-day work, because I will work in one of multinational companies in Indonesia. My English is not fluent yet, but it doesn't mean I can improve it, right?! This is a challenge for me as well as other bigger challenges related to being MT. I should perform well in one year ahead and accomplish the MT program properly.

Although language becomes my worries, but it's also be my motivation to encourage me applying in a multinational company. I really want to have an international career. That's why I chose working here to be getting used to with the language and multinational environment. Only who have a courage which will get a miracle from God, because He will give the direct interference to help His brave children.

God, I know you always understand what I feel and do all the time. Please give me your strength and bravery to be able to done the MT program very well during one year ahead. Always guide me in doing my jobs and cheers me whenever the problems come up. Don't ever let me down and give up, but encourage me to solve the problems and to struggle until my dream to go international becoming true.

Thank you, my almighty God:)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement Speech 2005

This video is very inspiring to watch for everyone, especially students who are about to graduate and begin a new. There are three stories of his life as told in his speech.
"Today I wanna tell you three stories of my life. That's it! No big deal. Just three stories." -Steve Jobs

1) Connecting the Dots
"After six months, I couldn't see the value on it. I had no idea what I wanna do in my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure out. And here I was spending all money my parents had saved in their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would work out okay. It was pretty scary at the time but looking back it was the best decision I've ever made. The minute I dropped out, I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me and begin dropping in on the ones that look far more interesting. It was all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friend's room. I returned coke bottles for the five cent deposit to buy food with. And I walked seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the "Harry Christmas" temple. I love that. ....and much I was stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turn out to be priceless later on."

"Because I dropped out and didn't take the normal classes, I decided to take calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learnt about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistic settle in a way science can capture, and I found it was fascinating. None of this had even a hope in any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all come back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped the end on the single coursing college, the Mac would never have the more multiple type faces with proportionally faces font. And since Windows just copy the Mac, it's likely no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would never dropped in calligraphy class and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very very clear looking backward ten years later."

"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots somehow connecting your future. You have to trust in something your God, destiny, life, karma, whatever, because believing the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path and not would make all the differences." 

2) Love and Loss
"I was lucky. I found what I love to do early in life. Was when I started apple on my parents' garage when I was twenty. We worked hard and ten years apple grown just the two of us was on the garage into two billions company with four thousand employees. We just released our finest creation, the Macintosh, a year earlier and I just turned thirty. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started?! Well, as apple grew, we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me. And for the first year all things went well. But then our visions further begins the diverse and eventually we are falling out. When we did, our board of director sided with him. And so on thirty I was out and very publicly out. What I've been focused on my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating. I really don't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I let the previous generations entrepreneurs down and I try to apologize was screwing up so badly. I was very public failure and even thought about running away of the valley. But something slowly begins the down on me. I still love what I did. I've been rejected but I was still in love. So I decided to start over. I didn't see advance, but turnout to getting fired from apple was the best thing that could ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being the beginner again. Let's sure about everything. The free meet me the most creative spirit on my life. During the next five years, I started the company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and felt in love with the amazing woman who become my wife. In remarkable turn in advance, Apple bought NeXT and I went returned on Apple. I'm pretty sure none of this would been happened if I haven't fired from Apple. It was awful testing medicine but I guess the patient needed it."   

"Sometimes life gonna hit you on the break, don't lose faith. I'm convinced the only thing that keep me going was I love what I did. You've got to find what you love and not it is true for work, as it is for your lovers. Your work is gonna fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe it's a great work. And the only way to do a great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle. As with all matter of the heart, you'll know you will find it. And like any great relationship, it's just getting better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking, don't settle."

3) Death
"If you live each day as specific your last, someday you're almost certainly be right. It made in pressure on me, and since then from the past thirty three years, I looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself if today was the last day of my life, what I wanna do what I'm about to do today. Remembering that all be dead soon was the most important tool to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything, all external expectations, all pride, all fear, embarrassing, or failure, this things just fall away in the face of death. Living only was truly important. Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you are something to lose. You are already naked. There's no reason not follow your heart."

"Right now, the new is you. But someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be clear away. Sounds to be so dramatic, but it's quite true. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the result of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinion ground down your inner voice. And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

"When I was young there was an amazing publication called the Whole Earth Catalog, which is one of the bible in my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand, not far from here, in Menlo Park. This was on the late sixties before personal computer and desktop publishing, so all made by typewriters, scissors, and polar cameras. Iit was sort of like google and paperback form, thirty five years before google came along. It was idealistic, overflowing with need tools and great notions. Stewart and his teams put up several issues in the Whole Earth Catalog. And then when it runs its course, they put up the final issue. It was the mid nineteen seventies and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was the photograph of an early morning country road. The kind that you might find yourself hits hiking on if you are so adventurous. Beneath it, with the words, Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. It was their farewell message as their signed off, Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. And I always wish that for myself. And now as you graduate and begin a new, I wish that for you. STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH. Thank you all very much."  -Steve Jobs 

Friday, May 27, 2011

My postcards collection

Since 28th August, 2010, I've joined the as a media for mutual exchanging the postcards all over the world. Why was I interested this activity?? Well, the first time I know this web was from my best friend, Sella Natasha. She has joined earlier and exchanged quite lots of postcards from different countries. I forgot when and how exactly she told me, but what I remember precisely that soon after I heard her story, I was immediately interested to join! I always eager to can travel around the world, but because I cannot yet make my dream come true now, so I wish to actualize my dreams to can see the wonderful countries in this world a little bit by seeing them through the postcards. That's also useful as a reflection of my dreams, then I do not forget and able to keep focus on working to realizing it. Someday I MUST go there!^^

Here are the postcards I got from the from the first one received:
1) Alberta Legislature in Edmonton, Canada (Sep 22, 2010)

The first postcard I got was from Canada in 22nd Sept 2010. At the morning my father suddenly woke me up to give this beautiful postcard. What I felt can't be described, it was so so exciting! The system works! This exchange is real! I got this from someone in Canada, sound cool, feel like I have a friend from other country, hehehe:D weird huh?! noo, that's trully what I felt:p Then I read the message in the backside of postcard with curiosity.
"Hello Aileen! This card features the Alberta Legislature building, where the provincial politicians do their work. The fountain in front is a lot bigger than shown here, and is a really fun place to play during the hot days of summer.I hope the weather is beautiful for you. We are into fall here, it's getting colder:)The McLennans" -it's a username, the real name is Michelle

2) Nurnberger Volksfest in Nurnberger, South of Germany (Sep 29, 2010)

Not take a long time, I got the second postcard two days later, 29th Sept 2010. Now it comes from Germany and it has the picture with full of color. Still guessing what was the picture is all about, but it seems like a folk festival. Looks quite interesting with not too crowded people in this festival I guess. Then I read the message in its backside.
"Hello Aileen,I send you many greetings from the South of Germany. I live in the city Nurnberger with my 13 years old daughter Cecilia. I love to spend my free time together with her. One of our common activities is visiting the Nurnberg Volksfest (public festival) you can see on the postcard. This festival is twice a year, in April and September for 2 weeks each time. Cecilia loves to use all the roller coasters and ghost trains, and we love to eat candy very much.Bye Tanja"

3) Perth City, Australia
The third one? ......was the most special postcard for me! Bcoz I got that from my best friend in Australia, Laksmithasony Natassa, or just called Amy, which specially sent it to me after she knew that I like receiving postcards from different countries. Special thanks for her *hug* She sent it through her parents which have just back from Australia after celebrating her graduation. Here is the message from her:
"Dear Ade...Curang ya nih postcard gw nitip ke ortu, hahaha :D. Beginilah pemandangan Perth City dari agak jauh. Yang tengah itu namanya Burswood Complex, dimana ada club, bar, casiono yang super terkenal (gw ga pernah maen. Liat2 doank) & hotel.Ayo Ade nabung biar bisa ke sini, gw ajak jalan2. Disini pantainya bagus2, porsi makanan super duper gede. Laen kali gw cariin postcard lagi. Sukses ya kuliahnya dan GBU!!!XOXO, Amy"

4) Pennsylvania Amish Country, 45 minutes from Philodelphia (May 4, 2011)

This is the third postcard I received from, but the fourth one in my collection:) After a long time break due to my bustle, I started sending some postcards in April 2011. Then I received an unique postcard in 4th May 2011 as a return. Well, I felt so blue when I received this postcard. I can't guess what is that and where is the Pennsylvania Amish Country located. Even never heard about this country before. Feel curiosity then I turn back the postcard and read the message:
"Hey Aileen,Here is a snowy day in the Amish Country. They live about 45 min or so from Philadelphia and have some of the best homemade goodies. From their hard-work to the fresh ice cream are produced, they are a wonderful unique group.Ari"

5) Old picture of Railway Station in Belarus, a country in central of Europe (May 13, 2011)

Around a week later, precisely in 13th May 2011, I got a postcard which looks like very simple with the black & white picture in it. From the picture I could see that the postcard describes an old building in a country. But I still do not know what the building is and where it is located until I found the answers from the message behind this:
 "Hello Aileen!Welcome to Belarus (it is country in the center of Europe). We have snow 5 months! I like summer, but in winter we skate, skiing. Our country is very beautiful. I live in Vitebsk (city was found in 974).www.belarus.bylenOn the card - old picture of railway station!Viktoria" 

6) Lake on a little island in Finland (May 19, 2011)

This is another colorful postcard that I received in 19th May 2011 after the previous one from Germany. The view describes warm and beautiful nature with sunrise and sunset in the left side. Also it shows a calm lake with surrounding by forest. To prove my guessing, I read the message behind:
"Hello! Greetings from sunny and warm Finland. The spring has come and almost all snow has melt already. Last winter was a real winter: lot of snow and very cold. On thing I'd like to show you in Finland is those lakes we have. I spend a lot of time by a lake on a little island. It's wonderful! Happy postcrossing!Anita"

7) Winter time in Vilnius, capital city of Lithuania (May 25, 2011)

In 25th May 2011, I received a postcard with the view of winter in very first time. All the buildings and trees are covered by snow, it must be very cold and snowy! There might be a fairly strong wind during the winter there! Let's take a look the message behind to find out more:
"Greetings from Lithuania!This postcard shows our capital Vilnius in winter time. Usually we have really cold winters (~ -20C) and tons of snow. Vilnius has population ~500,000 (Lithuania ~3 millions). Vilnius old town is UNESCO WHS, its architecture is beautiful! It's nice when you go in typical touristic route, but if you turn just few meters away, in small backstreets, you'll see the real Vilnius spirit. I was here many times, but every time  I found something I've never seen before.Linkiu visa ko geriausio!(wish you all the best!)Leva"   
8)  Autumn time in New England, USA (May 30, 2011)

Five days later, the eighth postcard arrived in my mailbox. The first thought that came out in my mind, "Wow what a beautiful card! Having full of colors picture with a quite thick and glossy cardboard" I think this is the second card with a better quality after a previous card from my best friend, honestly;) But never mind, any kind of card whether good quality/picture or not STILL make me exciting to receive! They are a reflection of my dream to go around the world. Currently I can only see the places through postcards, but someday I'll make my dream come true to go thereee!!! Thanks hehehehe XD~
Here is the message behind the card:

"Hello Aileen, I live in Connecticut, USA. The best part of living here is the beautiful fall leaves in autumn. They look just like those on the front of the card. I think that you would love them! Best wishes, Amanda hee."    

9) Winter time in Suomi, Finland (May 31, 2011)

Surprisingly, the next day I received a card anymore. Now from Suomi, Finland. Previously I have received one card from Suomi too, but the situation which is illustrated in the card is very different. The sixth card illustrates a warm environment that surround a lake on an little island in Finland, while this card illustrates the winter time with all snow covering the Finland. It must be so cold and like there is no life there affected by the thick snow. But I pretty sure all people lived there can survive in a hard climate like that, because they've been getting used to and know what should do when the climate comes.

"Hi Aileen! I'm glad winter time is over and its spring and new green leaves in trees and flowers are blossoming. We have had 2 winters with extra much of snow. I had fallen down 4 times, but no broken bones, I was lucky. Be well! -Outi" 

10) Amsterdam early in the morning (May 31, 2011)
"Amsterdam..... sooo amazinggg!!! peaceful, warm, so neat and tidy. with old buildings there. very artistic and elegant. Oh my God, when can I go there??!" Suddenly that imagination that came up in my mind. Since I was little, I have been eager to go to developed countries, especially Europe. Yeahh, Amsterdam is absolutely one of in my list. This also becomes one of my favorite cards other than cards of New England and Australia that I received earlier. 
Thank you, Raisa for this beautiful card:) Also all the senders, I always appreciate any kinds of card you guys sent to me, they're so meant to me:) 

"Hello Aileen, My name is Raisa, and what you see is Amsterdam early in the morning. I live in a small town called Kithoorn, nearby Amsterdam. I hope you like this card (certainly!-me:D). Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. It is not so big as Jakarta but it's a very nice town! (strongly agree with you coz my parents ever told me the situation there when they lived there while still a young couple-me;). Happy postcrossing! -Raisa." 

11) Beautiful scenery of winter in St. Petersburg, Russia (June 20, 2011)

Before dinner suddenly my mom called me, "There's another postcard for you! Come here!"
"Wow, who's that? Now is it from where?" I've not yet send postcards anymore, so I don't think I will get another one because I've received quite a lot postcards before.
Then I went down and took the postcard my mom gave to me. "Ooww soo amazinggg & unique!!" First, from the shape it looks different. Postcards that in general I have obtained were rectangle with the same size as the postcards that are here. This one has a rectangular shape with a length longer, more like an envelope. Second, the picture on it is so beautiful. What Polina as a sender told from the message is so true! She said, although at the time she sent this postcard is being at the end of spring, she chosen to sent a card with winter scenery because the winter time in St. Petersburg is so amazing. Now I can see it's right:) The last, from the message she wrote behind a postcard, I think she has an easy-read writing style, as like she is writing a letter to a friend. Her story is also interesting:) Thanks Polina...

"Npubei, Aileen! Hello there!=) Sending you warm greetings from St. Petersburg, which is 9,854 km away from your place, can you imagine that?! I'm so happy that I can send a card with snow on it, it'd be a bit weird to send one like this at the end of spring... So that's why I was so glad to read that you'd like to see snow! I wish I could even send you some:) Well, my name is Polina, I'm a 20-year-old student. This very moment I'm sitting in the library and waiting for a friend to pick me up for lunch. My semester is coming to an end, so the exams start pretty soon and I also need to finish my bachelor's thesis. This lovely weather (no snow right now, honestly:) helps to keep up the good mood, since summer is on its way! All the best and happy postcrossing! Regards, Polina"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Everybody has their own successful life path

From my interest about life stories especially from they who are inspirational and success, it has opened my mind that everyone in this world has their own life path which is very unique, has a deep meaning, and interesting to know. It backs realizing me that we shouldn't be envy on them who has been success in their way. Sometimes I feel why I cannot be like them. Has a myriad of achievements and experiences even in the same age with me. Moreover there are some of them who have received awards and experiences not only in Indonesia but also other countries. So incredible and proud of them!

In the journey of finding my identity, I spend my time by reading inspiring books, listening to other's life stories, observing the environment around me, and the most important I am getting used myself to read bible now. Not because I lost my way or I get depressed, not at all, I just want to get closer to God and let God guide me to find my own way of life which has been prepared for me to be the best version of myself as God promised. By reading bible, its verses will remind and give me a strength along my journey of life because I believe it's one of forms of God's voice in guiding me to the right way.

Now I am able to understand every time there is someone who looks like having a better life than me, because it's truly their own life path which is good for them and can be not necessary for me. What the best way of life for me? Of course what God has prepared for me. I just need to keep moving, keep dreaming, keep praying, and keep believing then miracles will come not only in the end of my journey but in every single days of my life. Everybody has their own successful life path if you want to trust on God's promise, follow your heart, and keep moving!:) Thanks God to let me know you through my parents and other sources:)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The faster you make mistake, the faster you fix it, then the faster you'll get success

Actually I like watching tv program called "Mario Teguh Golden Ways" on every Sunday night at metro tv. I've got lots of insights, new ways of thinking, motivations, and new principles. Talk about principle, I really like one of his principles which says, "the faster you make mistake, the faster you fix it, then the faster you'll get success." I think that's really true! No one in this life who will be succeed without make any mistakes. Mistakes make us realize that there are other ways to do things correctly. Then we'll start to utilize our greatest mind to think and find the creative solutions. Once we get it, we immediately apply it to determine whether successful or not. If it works, we'll be one step ahead and more closer to our success. That's why if you dare to make mistake faster, then fix it immediately, the sooner you'll get success, even not impossible at a very young age :) So, if we can be success faster, why we have to wait and afraid of mistakes?! Try to change our way of thinking. Mistakes are the fastest way to achieve success, as long as we dare to accept our mistakes, try to utilize the maximum capabilities of our brain, willing to learn new things, open to ideas, suggestions, and criticism of others, then apply it immediately without considering it too much.

Mario Teguh has said that as if someone ask him that does he regret all mistakes he's ever done in the past, he would answer NO! "But if I can go back to the past, I will make my mistakes more quickly, so I can be at this position earlier."
Zinnggg.... wow! Okay, great thinking! I've never forget that statement. Really inspire me and become my principle since that! :)
And.......... Guess what?! It really works! Now I become more brave to take chances and opportunities in my ahead. I've never let my mind thinking about the difficulties and failures, even it seems almost impossible for me. I just try to take it and overcome my afraid, open to others about my weaknesses and difficulties, not prestige to tell that I need others help and can't achieve anything with my own strengths, and the most important is pray to God and let Him works in me. Then, the miracles happen. Suddenly there's always a help through my friends or other networks which let me achieve those opportunities. Now I gain my life more colorful and exciting because I do not let myself feeling afraid of failure too long and deep every time there are new opportunities coming up to me. I just focus on happiness and learning behind every opportunity, and try to divert my fear to attempt to find solutions whenever fear arises.

I believe that God is really around us, see our efforts to achieve something, and whether we really surrender to Him in the end or not. Remember, God always give His helping hand through people around us. So if we don't want to treat others well, always feel that we don't need anybody else to do anything, we won't ever get the God's help, because people is the extension of the hands of God to us.

Thank you, God :) I'm so grateful!! <3    

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Story behind My Blog

Since a long time I have wanted to write a blog. But I do not want to just write my daily activities or stories like writing a diary. I want to write something different and hopefully it will be useful for my readers.

Finally I got an idea after I read a great book named The Passion Test. With the authors of Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, this book tells about how to find your fate or destiny. Before you can find your fate, you have to understand what your passions really are. By knowing the clear passion, what you do everyday will always focused on things that you love to do, as a result, you'll feel happy. Passion and goal are a different thing. This book always emphasizes the difference between the two. Passion is how you want to run your life, while goal is things that you choose to you create in your life. If your passion is clear, you can create the goals in accordance with your passion and begin to create the life you choose to live. For example, after I've done the passion test which first initiated and created by these two authors, I became convinced that do the socialization and meet with many different people around the world is one of my passions. All this time I realize that every time I meet people, have a chit-chat, discuss, share, and laugh together, I'll feel not only happy, but EXCITING!!! That's really fun when you can exchange some thought and ideas with others people, know something new from them, and build a good friendship. I always enjoy the moments where I can meet friends and even new people in my life.
Right now, I have a dream to can have friends from other countries where we can share the different though, cultures, and habits each others, learn more about life and get new perspectives. World is amazing! :)

Well, back to the topic of this posting, this book tells that, based on a research people who spend their time to write a weekly record of things they felt grateful for, they will feel happier and more accustomed to think positively. They will feel full in every moment and appreciate the things that God has given to them. This record called a gratitude journal. That is why I named my first blog as My Gratitude Journal :)

My blog will be about any moments, experiences, stories, or anything that happened in my life and I feel very grateful. This book is one of what I grateful for. Although actually I've not finished reading yet, but I've become know more about myself, what kinds of things and activities which will make me happy, and how the ways to change a bad habit. I really grateful God shown this book to me, thank you.

Another reasons why I decided to write a blog is to practice my English. Since my IELTS test result was not good, I have a desire to practice and make it as a habit. Not only because I need to reach a minimum score of band 6 as one of graduation requirements in my college, but I also realize that soon or later I must have an excellent English for my good future. Therefore, I will practice for writing English through this blog^^

Enjoy my blog and feel free to comment!
Thanks. Xiexie ni. Arigato. Merci. Danke :D