Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Story behind My Blog

Since a long time I have wanted to write a blog. But I do not want to just write my daily activities or stories like writing a diary. I want to write something different and hopefully it will be useful for my readers.

Finally I got an idea after I read a great book named The Passion Test. With the authors of Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, this book tells about how to find your fate or destiny. Before you can find your fate, you have to understand what your passions really are. By knowing the clear passion, what you do everyday will always focused on things that you love to do, as a result, you'll feel happy. Passion and goal are a different thing. This book always emphasizes the difference between the two. Passion is how you want to run your life, while goal is things that you choose to you create in your life. If your passion is clear, you can create the goals in accordance with your passion and begin to create the life you choose to live. For example, after I've done the passion test which first initiated and created by these two authors, I became convinced that do the socialization and meet with many different people around the world is one of my passions. All this time I realize that every time I meet people, have a chit-chat, discuss, share, and laugh together, I'll feel not only happy, but EXCITING!!! That's really fun when you can exchange some thought and ideas with others people, know something new from them, and build a good friendship. I always enjoy the moments where I can meet friends and even new people in my life.
Right now, I have a dream to can have friends from other countries where we can share the different though, cultures, and habits each others, learn more about life and get new perspectives. World is amazing! :)

Well, back to the topic of this posting, this book tells that, based on a research people who spend their time to write a weekly record of things they felt grateful for, they will feel happier and more accustomed to think positively. They will feel full in every moment and appreciate the things that God has given to them. This record called a gratitude journal. That is why I named my first blog as My Gratitude Journal :)

My blog will be about any moments, experiences, stories, or anything that happened in my life and I feel very grateful. This book is one of what I grateful for. Although actually I've not finished reading yet, but I've become know more about myself, what kinds of things and activities which will make me happy, and how the ways to change a bad habit. I really grateful God shown this book to me, thank you.

Another reasons why I decided to write a blog is to practice my English. Since my IELTS test result was not good, I have a desire to practice and make it as a habit. Not only because I need to reach a minimum score of band 6 as one of graduation requirements in my college, but I also realize that soon or later I must have an excellent English for my good future. Therefore, I will practice for writing English through this blog^^

Enjoy my blog and feel free to comment!
Thanks. Xiexie ni. Arigato. Merci. Danke :D