Monday, November 28, 2011

H-7 Before Officially Start to Work


My heart bit is going up and down. That's what I'm feeling right now after one of HR Staff called me to confirm my first working day falls on Monday, December 5, 2011. First of all, I feel blessed because they remember that I've been accepted as a MT there. The month between my employment agreement signing and my officially working is quite far. It takes approximately 5 months from late June to early December. Hence, I had felt worries as if they forget their agreement with me. Secondly, I'm also exciting and happy because I will step into the new world. I imagine there will be a bunch of new experiences, knowledge, learning, colleagues, happiness, and who knows I will meet my soul mate there:D One soul mate of course, not a bunch of, hehe... But if it's a bunch of fans, that would be very okay, wkwkwkkw:p

The only one worries about this job is that I should be familiar using English in day-to-day work, because I will work in one of multinational companies in Indonesia. My English is not fluent yet, but it doesn't mean I can improve it, right?! This is a challenge for me as well as other bigger challenges related to being MT. I should perform well in one year ahead and accomplish the MT program properly.

Although language becomes my worries, but it's also be my motivation to encourage me applying in a multinational company. I really want to have an international career. That's why I chose working here to be getting used to with the language and multinational environment. Only who have a courage which will get a miracle from God, because He will give the direct interference to help His brave children.

God, I know you always understand what I feel and do all the time. Please give me your strength and bravery to be able to done the MT program very well during one year ahead. Always guide me in doing my jobs and cheers me whenever the problems come up. Don't ever let me down and give up, but encourage me to solve the problems and to struggle until my dream to go international becoming true.

Thank you, my almighty God:)