Friday, May 27, 2011

My postcards collection

Since 28th August, 2010, I've joined the as a media for mutual exchanging the postcards all over the world. Why was I interested this activity?? Well, the first time I know this web was from my best friend, Sella Natasha. She has joined earlier and exchanged quite lots of postcards from different countries. I forgot when and how exactly she told me, but what I remember precisely that soon after I heard her story, I was immediately interested to join! I always eager to can travel around the world, but because I cannot yet make my dream come true now, so I wish to actualize my dreams to can see the wonderful countries in this world a little bit by seeing them through the postcards. That's also useful as a reflection of my dreams, then I do not forget and able to keep focus on working to realizing it. Someday I MUST go there!^^

Here are the postcards I got from the from the first one received:
1) Alberta Legislature in Edmonton, Canada (Sep 22, 2010)

The first postcard I got was from Canada in 22nd Sept 2010. At the morning my father suddenly woke me up to give this beautiful postcard. What I felt can't be described, it was so so exciting! The system works! This exchange is real! I got this from someone in Canada, sound cool, feel like I have a friend from other country, hehehe:D weird huh?! noo, that's trully what I felt:p Then I read the message in the backside of postcard with curiosity.
"Hello Aileen! This card features the Alberta Legislature building, where the provincial politicians do their work. The fountain in front is a lot bigger than shown here, and is a really fun place to play during the hot days of summer.I hope the weather is beautiful for you. We are into fall here, it's getting colder:)The McLennans" -it's a username, the real name is Michelle

2) Nurnberger Volksfest in Nurnberger, South of Germany (Sep 29, 2010)

Not take a long time, I got the second postcard two days later, 29th Sept 2010. Now it comes from Germany and it has the picture with full of color. Still guessing what was the picture is all about, but it seems like a folk festival. Looks quite interesting with not too crowded people in this festival I guess. Then I read the message in its backside.
"Hello Aileen,I send you many greetings from the South of Germany. I live in the city Nurnberger with my 13 years old daughter Cecilia. I love to spend my free time together with her. One of our common activities is visiting the Nurnberg Volksfest (public festival) you can see on the postcard. This festival is twice a year, in April and September for 2 weeks each time. Cecilia loves to use all the roller coasters and ghost trains, and we love to eat candy very much.Bye Tanja"

3) Perth City, Australia
The third one? ......was the most special postcard for me! Bcoz I got that from my best friend in Australia, Laksmithasony Natassa, or just called Amy, which specially sent it to me after she knew that I like receiving postcards from different countries. Special thanks for her *hug* She sent it through her parents which have just back from Australia after celebrating her graduation. Here is the message from her:
"Dear Ade...Curang ya nih postcard gw nitip ke ortu, hahaha :D. Beginilah pemandangan Perth City dari agak jauh. Yang tengah itu namanya Burswood Complex, dimana ada club, bar, casiono yang super terkenal (gw ga pernah maen. Liat2 doank) & hotel.Ayo Ade nabung biar bisa ke sini, gw ajak jalan2. Disini pantainya bagus2, porsi makanan super duper gede. Laen kali gw cariin postcard lagi. Sukses ya kuliahnya dan GBU!!!XOXO, Amy"

4) Pennsylvania Amish Country, 45 minutes from Philodelphia (May 4, 2011)

This is the third postcard I received from, but the fourth one in my collection:) After a long time break due to my bustle, I started sending some postcards in April 2011. Then I received an unique postcard in 4th May 2011 as a return. Well, I felt so blue when I received this postcard. I can't guess what is that and where is the Pennsylvania Amish Country located. Even never heard about this country before. Feel curiosity then I turn back the postcard and read the message:
"Hey Aileen,Here is a snowy day in the Amish Country. They live about 45 min or so from Philadelphia and have some of the best homemade goodies. From their hard-work to the fresh ice cream are produced, they are a wonderful unique group.Ari"

5) Old picture of Railway Station in Belarus, a country in central of Europe (May 13, 2011)

Around a week later, precisely in 13th May 2011, I got a postcard which looks like very simple with the black & white picture in it. From the picture I could see that the postcard describes an old building in a country. But I still do not know what the building is and where it is located until I found the answers from the message behind this:
 "Hello Aileen!Welcome to Belarus (it is country in the center of Europe). We have snow 5 months! I like summer, but in winter we skate, skiing. Our country is very beautiful. I live in Vitebsk (city was found in 974).www.belarus.bylenOn the card - old picture of railway station!Viktoria" 

6) Lake on a little island in Finland (May 19, 2011)

This is another colorful postcard that I received in 19th May 2011 after the previous one from Germany. The view describes warm and beautiful nature with sunrise and sunset in the left side. Also it shows a calm lake with surrounding by forest. To prove my guessing, I read the message behind:
"Hello! Greetings from sunny and warm Finland. The spring has come and almost all snow has melt already. Last winter was a real winter: lot of snow and very cold. On thing I'd like to show you in Finland is those lakes we have. I spend a lot of time by a lake on a little island. It's wonderful! Happy postcrossing!Anita"

7) Winter time in Vilnius, capital city of Lithuania (May 25, 2011)

In 25th May 2011, I received a postcard with the view of winter in very first time. All the buildings and trees are covered by snow, it must be very cold and snowy! There might be a fairly strong wind during the winter there! Let's take a look the message behind to find out more:
"Greetings from Lithuania!This postcard shows our capital Vilnius in winter time. Usually we have really cold winters (~ -20C) and tons of snow. Vilnius has population ~500,000 (Lithuania ~3 millions). Vilnius old town is UNESCO WHS, its architecture is beautiful! It's nice when you go in typical touristic route, but if you turn just few meters away, in small backstreets, you'll see the real Vilnius spirit. I was here many times, but every time  I found something I've never seen before.Linkiu visa ko geriausio!(wish you all the best!)Leva"   
8)  Autumn time in New England, USA (May 30, 2011)

Five days later, the eighth postcard arrived in my mailbox. The first thought that came out in my mind, "Wow what a beautiful card! Having full of colors picture with a quite thick and glossy cardboard" I think this is the second card with a better quality after a previous card from my best friend, honestly;) But never mind, any kind of card whether good quality/picture or not STILL make me exciting to receive! They are a reflection of my dream to go around the world. Currently I can only see the places through postcards, but someday I'll make my dream come true to go thereee!!! Thanks hehehehe XD~
Here is the message behind the card:

"Hello Aileen, I live in Connecticut, USA. The best part of living here is the beautiful fall leaves in autumn. They look just like those on the front of the card. I think that you would love them! Best wishes, Amanda hee."    

9) Winter time in Suomi, Finland (May 31, 2011)

Surprisingly, the next day I received a card anymore. Now from Suomi, Finland. Previously I have received one card from Suomi too, but the situation which is illustrated in the card is very different. The sixth card illustrates a warm environment that surround a lake on an little island in Finland, while this card illustrates the winter time with all snow covering the Finland. It must be so cold and like there is no life there affected by the thick snow. But I pretty sure all people lived there can survive in a hard climate like that, because they've been getting used to and know what should do when the climate comes.

"Hi Aileen! I'm glad winter time is over and its spring and new green leaves in trees and flowers are blossoming. We have had 2 winters with extra much of snow. I had fallen down 4 times, but no broken bones, I was lucky. Be well! -Outi" 

10) Amsterdam early in the morning (May 31, 2011)
"Amsterdam..... sooo amazinggg!!! peaceful, warm, so neat and tidy. with old buildings there. very artistic and elegant. Oh my God, when can I go there??!" Suddenly that imagination that came up in my mind. Since I was little, I have been eager to go to developed countries, especially Europe. Yeahh, Amsterdam is absolutely one of in my list. This also becomes one of my favorite cards other than cards of New England and Australia that I received earlier. 
Thank you, Raisa for this beautiful card:) Also all the senders, I always appreciate any kinds of card you guys sent to me, they're so meant to me:) 

"Hello Aileen, My name is Raisa, and what you see is Amsterdam early in the morning. I live in a small town called Kithoorn, nearby Amsterdam. I hope you like this card (certainly!-me:D). Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. It is not so big as Jakarta but it's a very nice town! (strongly agree with you coz my parents ever told me the situation there when they lived there while still a young couple-me;). Happy postcrossing! -Raisa." 

11) Beautiful scenery of winter in St. Petersburg, Russia (June 20, 2011)

Before dinner suddenly my mom called me, "There's another postcard for you! Come here!"
"Wow, who's that? Now is it from where?" I've not yet send postcards anymore, so I don't think I will get another one because I've received quite a lot postcards before.
Then I went down and took the postcard my mom gave to me. "Ooww soo amazinggg & unique!!" First, from the shape it looks different. Postcards that in general I have obtained were rectangle with the same size as the postcards that are here. This one has a rectangular shape with a length longer, more like an envelope. Second, the picture on it is so beautiful. What Polina as a sender told from the message is so true! She said, although at the time she sent this postcard is being at the end of spring, she chosen to sent a card with winter scenery because the winter time in St. Petersburg is so amazing. Now I can see it's right:) The last, from the message she wrote behind a postcard, I think she has an easy-read writing style, as like she is writing a letter to a friend. Her story is also interesting:) Thanks Polina...

"Npubei, Aileen! Hello there!=) Sending you warm greetings from St. Petersburg, which is 9,854 km away from your place, can you imagine that?! I'm so happy that I can send a card with snow on it, it'd be a bit weird to send one like this at the end of spring... So that's why I was so glad to read that you'd like to see snow! I wish I could even send you some:) Well, my name is Polina, I'm a 20-year-old student. This very moment I'm sitting in the library and waiting for a friend to pick me up for lunch. My semester is coming to an end, so the exams start pretty soon and I also need to finish my bachelor's thesis. This lovely weather (no snow right now, honestly:) helps to keep up the good mood, since summer is on its way! All the best and happy postcrossing! Regards, Polina"

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